
Not just another puppy blog

It's been awhile

It's been awhile.  

Working on getting back and figuring out what I want this site to represent.

Since so many ideas have flown in my mind, I figure that it would just be me and whatever I want it to have.

Plans:  about me.  Adding some stuff and moving it around..

Hopefully it will not wait another year for updates.

Managing and Figuring out stuff

Hello All.

If many have been looking at the site, I am still working on the site here.  I haven't quite figured out how I want it to display.  Joomla has some interesting items and features, but I am still learning.

Please bear with me on this.  Check back when you can.



Got a Prince Albert

On April 6th, 2019, I finally go a Prince Albert (PA).  This was my second attempt.  

A little about me.  I don't like needles.  And I am very squirmish when it comes to getting poked by sharp objects or the idea of something protruding my skin.

So, why get one??  Well, I've always wanted one for a long while.  Since 2013.  The fear of getting pierced by a needle is what kept me from getting one.  I find them sexy, I am intrigued by them, and if one day getting into chastity play, I want to crown royal.  The attempt of not escaping from those traditional ball-trap devices.

After going in to do it, I will admit that the pain level was OMG!!  The feeling of the tube going through the piss slit was uncomfortable, but not painful.  The actual piercing took less than a second, and I did arch my back while laying down since it was very painful.  I will admit, there was blood.  The PA went on and then there you go.  When the PA was inserted and secured, I was flying on endorphines.  Still was after leaving the tattoo and piercing place.

It will take about 4 to 6 weeks to heal.  Within the first week, I still feel it bruised around.  The metal horse-shoe bangs around and I always say, I got a new shiny object.  LOL

And no sex or masturbation for awhile.  

Halloween Unicorn


As of late before Halloween, I have been fascinated with unicorn.  I managed to get my Sir dressed up as Wilfred (Good TV show) and I dressed up as a unicorn for Halloween.

Starting A-New

Hello and Welcome.

I have had this site for awhile, but not really knowing what to do with it.  So, since this is like a new start (probably one-hundred-thrity-thousand-and one trillion???  I lost count how many times) for me again (make a number here), I have decided to dedicate time to this.

What is this site about????  Well, Me. Duh..  Of course.  

But wait, what will it have???  Well, Me Again.  Actually, ME, my adventures, and also about my leather family.

But wait, theres more.  It will be about my journey, the journey with my leather family, and also helpful advice/guides/experiences.

So, Who am I???  Scooby.  A puppy.  Dun Dun Da Dahhhhhhh... Scooby Dom!!  And also a sub.

Will it be fun and worth my time to view your posts???  I guess...  That's up to you.


Happy Trails.  

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